Leadership Speaks — David K. Bernard

Jesus, The Son of God - David K. Bernard

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Jesus, The Son of God - David K. Bernard

The identity of Jesus as the Son of God is foundational to the Christian faith. (See Matthew 16:15–18; John 20:31.) Today, many think this title means Jesus is a second divine person, but it actually means He is God revealed in human identity. Conception by the Spirit of God At its most basic, the phrase “son of” means the one to whom it applies originates from someone else, whether literally or figuratively. Both the angels and Adam were the sons of God by creation (Job 1:6; 38:7; Luke 3:38). Believers are sons or children of God by adoption into God’s...

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Rules for Fighter Fair - David K. Bernard

Posted by Stephen Roy on

Rules for Fighter Fair - David K. Bernard

In every significant relationship the partners will sometimes disagree. Differences of opinion are not necessarily a problem but can be a strength. The goal isn’t to eliminate them but to handle them in a mature, constructive fashion. Here are thirteen guidelines for managing disagreements in marriage. Don’t yell, scream, or use harsh or offensive language. Verbal or emotional abuse is never appropriate. (See Ephesians 5:29–33; I Peter 3:7.) Never resort to physical violence or intimidation. Physical abuse, whether hitting, pushing, or physical threat, is never appropriate. (See I Timothy 3:3; I Peter 3:7.) Don’t withhold physical intimacy. (See I Corinthians...

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Understanding God's Word

Posted by Abraham LaVoi on

Understanding God's Word

The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and our understanding of truth must be grounded in Scripture. We do not have the liberty to import our ideas and philosophies into the text. Instead of adapting the Bible’s message to fit our preconceptions and desires, we should seek to understand what it says in its literary, cultural, and historical context and then apply its message to our context. Author, Text, and Reader Traditionally, the goal of biblical interpretation is to ascertain the intention of the original authors of Scripture and ultimately the intention of God in inspiring the text....

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