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Four Tamars: Searching for Meaning in Difficult Circumstances
Battle the Beast: Defeating the Lions That Oppose Your Destiny
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The Wonders of the Snow
Blessed:A Ninety-Day Prayer Journal
Blessed: Ninety Days to Change Your World
Blessed Are: A Practical Look at the Beatitudes
Starting Points: The Gospels
Desperately Seeking Direction
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Because I Belong to Jesus
Five Reasons Churches Thrive: A Leadership Fable
The Unflawed Leader
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Anchor Points
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I Think I'm Called: What Do I Do Now?
A Light in Darkness: Stories of Grief and Loss
Sent: A History of UPCI Global Missions Vol. 1
Independence Is Overrated
Making It Work: The Case for Bivocational Ministry
Ethel: A Pioneer Preacher
The Overlooked
Apostolic Identity in a Postmodern World
He Has brought Me Low so I Can Soar
Approaching with Confidence A Study of Prayer and Fasting - GATS