Surprises Come in All Sizes - Pentecostal Publishing House

Surprises Come in All Sizes

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Do you ever have the 'munchies' and are not in the mood- or don't have time - for a full meal? You'd like just a little snack.

Cheese and crackers? An apple, banana, or orange? An ice-cream sandwich? Nuts or popcorn? Pretzels, chips, or a candy bar? Olives or pickles?

If that's your case, there are bound to be times when you want a mental snack in the form of a story when you're not in the mood - or do not have time - to read a whole book. Well, here is a literary smorgasbord for you. Read a single story or two, and go to your chores. Or read the whole 'meal' if you're that hungry.

Some of the recipes here in are old originals from the author's cookbook, and some are selected from the archives of the public domain pool as far back as the 1800's So if you want a wholesome 'snack story,' just nibble away