Spiritual Gifts (Spanish)
Combinando análisis escritural con ejemplos contemporáneos, David Bernard describe los dones sobrenaturales de revelación, poder, y del hablar que Dios le ha concedido a Su iglesia. Usa numerosas experiencias personales en misiones internas y foráneas en cinco continentes, además de años de estudio bíblico, para pintar un retrato vívido de los dones espirituales de I Corintios 12. Bernard explica, “Cada persona llena del Espíritu puede ejercer potencialmente cualquier de los dones espirituales, según Dios desee y le capacite, y Dios quiere que ellos operen dentro de cada cuerpo local de creyentes.” Hace el desafío, “Dejemos que el Espíritu de Dios fluya a través de nosotros, y ejerzamos una fe simple para recibir los dones milagrosos de Dios.” Usted será iluminado e inspirado al leer relatos bíblicos y modernos de los dones del Espíritu.
The apostle Paul was emphatic that the New Testament church be familiar with and actively exercise the gifts of the Spirit. This new six-session small group resource will educate and motivate believers to do just that.
Combining scriptural analysis with contemporary examples, David K. Bernard describes the supernatural spiritual gifts of revelation, power, and utterance that God has granted His church. He draws from numerous personal experiences in church planting and overseas missions on five continents, as well as years of biblical study, to paint a vivid portrait of the spiritual gifts of I Corinthians 12. Bernard explains, 'Every Spirit-filled person can potentially exercise any of the spiritual gifts as God wills and enables, and God intends for them to operate within every local body of believers.' He challenges, 'Let us allow God's Spirit to flow through us, and let us exercise simple faith to receive God's miraculous gifts.' You will be both enlightened and inspired as you read biblical and modern accounts of the gifts of the Spirit.
The apostle Paul was emphatic that the New Testament church be familiar with and actively exercise the gifts of the Spirit. This new six-session small group resource will educate and motivate believers to do just that.
Combining scriptural analysis with contemporary examples, David K. Bernard describes the supernatural spiritual gifts of revelation, power, and utterance that God has granted His church. He draws from numerous personal experiences in church planting and overseas missions on five continents, as well as years of biblical study, to paint a vivid portrait of the spiritual gifts of I Corinthians 12. Bernard explains, 'Every Spirit-filled person can potentially exercise any of the spiritual gifts as God wills and enables, and God intends for them to operate within every local body of believers.' He challenges, 'Let us allow God's Spirit to flow through us, and let us exercise simple faith to receive God's miraculous gifts.' You will be both enlightened and inspired as you read biblical and modern accounts of the gifts of the Spirit.