Sacred Chow - Teacher's Manual - Kids Power Hour
Welcome to the Sacred Chow food court, a place where kids can experience parables of Jesus in a mouth-watering way! Jesus used parables, short stories, to share truth in a way that made it 'edible' or comprehensible to listeners. You can communicate these same tasty truths to your students with the Sacred Chow children's church curriculum.
In addition to lessons for a full 13-week quarter, Sacred Chow contains suggestions for use as a vacation Bible school program. Animated songs on the resource DVD (sold separately) help children learn songs about the lesson points. Plus it contains full-color printable resources such as posters, stickers, room decorations and teaching supplements.
In addition to a comprehensive manual, Sacred Chow also suggests a DVD with thirteen animated music videos, plus full-color printable resources such as posters, stickers, room decorations and teaching supplements.
A CD of the music (with both full-track and accompaniment-only versions) is also available.
To utilize this curriculum to its fullest, order Sacred Chow's manual, DVD, and CD today!
More Info about Sacred Chow
Décor: Food Court
Character: Chef Pierre
Unit One: Soul Food
Hour 1 Soul Food (Parable of the Sower)
Hour 2 Comfort Food (Parable of the Good Samaritan)
Hour 3 Pass the Mustard (Parable of the Mustard Seed)
Hour 4 Follow the Recipe (Parable of Two Builders)
Unit Two: Take Out
Hour 5 Midnight Snack (Parable of the Friend in Need)
Hour 6 Happy Meal (Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)
Hour 7 Lack of Appetite (Parable of the Talents)
Unit Three: Real Food for Real People
Hour 8 Humble Pie (Parable of the Pharisee and Publican)
Hour 9 Late for Dinner (Parable of the Ten Virgins)
Hour 10 Party Time! (Parable of Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son)
Hour 11 The Main Dish (Parable of the Pearl of Great Price)
Hour 12 A Steak Dinner and a Doggie Bag (Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus)
Hour 13 RSVP (Parable of the Wedding Feast)
In addition to lessons for a full 13-week quarter, Sacred Chow contains suggestions for use as a vacation Bible school program. Animated songs on the resource DVD (sold separately) help children learn songs about the lesson points. Plus it contains full-color printable resources such as posters, stickers, room decorations and teaching supplements.
In addition to a comprehensive manual, Sacred Chow also suggests a DVD with thirteen animated music videos, plus full-color printable resources such as posters, stickers, room decorations and teaching supplements.
A CD of the music (with both full-track and accompaniment-only versions) is also available.
To utilize this curriculum to its fullest, order Sacred Chow's manual, DVD, and CD today!
More Info about Sacred Chow
Décor: Food Court
Character: Chef Pierre
Unit One: Soul Food
Hour 1 Soul Food (Parable of the Sower)
Hour 2 Comfort Food (Parable of the Good Samaritan)
Hour 3 Pass the Mustard (Parable of the Mustard Seed)
Hour 4 Follow the Recipe (Parable of Two Builders)
Unit Two: Take Out
Hour 5 Midnight Snack (Parable of the Friend in Need)
Hour 6 Happy Meal (Parable of the Unforgiving Servant)
Hour 7 Lack of Appetite (Parable of the Talents)
Unit Three: Real Food for Real People
Hour 8 Humble Pie (Parable of the Pharisee and Publican)
Hour 9 Late for Dinner (Parable of the Ten Virgins)
Hour 10 Party Time! (Parable of Lost Sheep, Coin, and Son)
Hour 11 The Main Dish (Parable of the Pearl of Great Price)
Hour 12 A Steak Dinner and a Doggie Bag (Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus)
Hour 13 RSVP (Parable of the Wedding Feast)