Handbook on the General Epistles and Revelation (Spanish)
Manual de las Epístolas Generales y Apocalipsis Algo entre un comentario de verso por verso y la Biblia de Estudio Apostólico, la Serie de Manuales Apostólicos traen un texto de dos a cuatro mil años de antigüedad a vida con una aplicación fresca a nuestras vidas y a la iglesia de hoy. Encontrarán información sobre la cultura, el lenguaje y la historia de Israel, el evangelio de Jesucristo y la iglesia del primer siglo, toda fundada firmemente por escritores apostólicos.
The Handbook on the General Epistles and Revelation is part of the eight-volume Apostolic Handbook Series. In this volume, Jeremy Painter brings his creative pen and deep insight to Hebrews, James, Jude, and I & II Peter while Jeffrey Brickle deftly tackles the Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation. God still speaks through these books today, and if we tune our ears we can grasp His message.
The Handbook on the General Epistles and Revelation is part of the eight-volume Apostolic Handbook Series. In this volume, Jeremy Painter brings his creative pen and deep insight to Hebrews, James, Jude, and I & II Peter while Jeffrey Brickle deftly tackles the Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation. God still speaks through these books today, and if we tune our ears we can grasp His message.