Full Youth Ministry
Make Full Proof of Your Ministry
We’ve all been there before: all the power and potential of our smartphone held hostage by a dead battery. You’re ready to operate, but your mobile battery isn’t!
Youth ministry can sometimes feel a lot like this scenario. You’re ready to make a positive eternal impact on the young people you lead, but sometimes it feels like something is missing. Your youth worker battery is nearly empty.
In II Timothy 4:5, we are admonished to make “full proof” of our ministry. If we have a call to minister to youth, we have a responsibility to ensure that our ministry is all that it should be.
This book aims to supply the youth worker with practical advice and basic tools that make up a healthy, thriving, and “full” youth ministry. Along with the irreplaceable components of God’s Spirit, prayer, and the Word, this handbook will add value to your role as a youth worker, no matter what that capacity may be.
So whether you are a veteran youth worker or you’ve just recently learned how much pizza to order for a group of hungry teenagers, our prayer is that this resource will help you make “full proof” of your ministry to teenagers and young adults. Happy charging!
Michael Thomas
General Youth President
UPCI Youth Ministries