Feed My Sheep: A Handbook for Pastors Ebook

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It is a high and holy calling to be entrusted with the care of souls, the flock of God. The pastoral task is all-encompassing and can be overwhelming at times. From phone calls in the middle of the night to the pressure of finances to the burden for souls in a spiritually starved community, the load can seem unbearable. 

Having a trusted guide to come alongside and speak wisdom in critical moments is like a breath of fresh air. And that’s exactly what this book aims to do. The author shares from his extensive personal experience, offering practical insight and strategies on areas including:

 ·       The pastor’s personal life

·       Approaches to preaching and teaching

·       Templates for baby dedications, weddings, funerals, and communion

·       Pastoral leadership

·       Church administration

·       Building program survival

·       Principles of church growth

 With these topics and many more, this handbook will help you establish and enhance your pastoral ministry and fulfill the high call to feed God’s sheep.