We Preach (Spanish)
Este libro propone contestar algunas preguntas fundamentales respeto a la predicación apostólica: ¿Qué es la predicación? ¿Por qué predicamos? ¿Es nuestra predicación bíblica? ¿Aún es relevante hoy en día? Jerry Jones sienta las bases teológicas para la predicación, presenta los argumentos a favor de la prioridad de la predicación, y demuestra la necesidad fundamental para la predicación en la iglesia. Basándose en la amplia experiencia de toda una vida de predicar el evangelio, el autor condensa los elementos principales de la predicación en un libro que los predicadores jóvenes y mayores tendrán dificultades para dejar a lado.
This book sets out to answer some fundamental questions regarding Apostolic preaching: What is preaching? Why do we preach? Is our preaching biblical? Is it still relevant today? Jerry Jones lays the theological groundwork for the basis of preaching, presents the case for the priority of preaching, and demonstrates the fundamental necessity of preaching in the church. Drawing from the extensive experience of a lifetime of preaching the gospel, the author distills the key elements of preaching into a book that preachers young and old will have a hard time putting down.
This book sets out to answer some fundamental questions regarding Apostolic preaching: What is preaching? Why do we preach? Is our preaching biblical? Is it still relevant today? Jerry Jones lays the theological groundwork for the basis of preaching, presents the case for the priority of preaching, and demonstrates the fundamental necessity of preaching in the church. Drawing from the extensive experience of a lifetime of preaching the gospel, the author distills the key elements of preaching into a book that preachers young and old will have a hard time putting down.